Vision 2020

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Connect the Generations

We embrace people in all ages and stages of life and seek to build meaningful connections between the generations. We create opportunities for the oldest to the youngest to come together and share experiences, knowledge, and faith, to strengthen us as a community of believers.


Build Community Through Personal And Intentional Relationships

A stronger community of faith will be built both within the congregation as well as among our neighbors, friends and the community at large.


Be Passionate About Energizing Our Children, Youth And Families

Our future depends upon children, youth and young families being actively engaged in our church. We will dedicate significant energy, resources and personnel to create exciting new programs, education and church experiences for these groups.


Live The Gospel In Both Word And Action

We walk with others in relationship and share the Gospel as Jesus taught us to do. We create and invest in additional opportunities and programs for the congregation to experience the giving and receiving power of Christ.


Catalyze Young Adults To Expand Our Ministry Of Worship, Discipleship And Mission

Young adults are seeking a different church experience, requiring new thinking and behaviors. The Zoe Project team is commissioned to bring forward ideas and initiatives that will energize and catalyze our community of young adults.


Tools for Teaching: COMING SOON!

Download all materials here.

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